Developed within the DIG-MAN Project.
The teaching materials are the results of the third output of the Project, which concerns developing e-learning materials for ProDeM education.
Developed within the DIG-MAN Project.
The teaching materials are the results of the third output of the Project, which concerns developing e-learning materials for ProDeM education.
This part of the course presents the coordinate measuring machine (CMM) applied for conducting contact and non-contact coordinate measurements of a free-form surface of an object. The CMM is the part of the Laboratory of Coordinate Metrology.
This part of the course presents the main stages of conducting non-contact measurements of the selected curvilinear surface. The stages include both the CMM programming and actual coordinate measurements.
The determination of the coordinate system of the measured part, shown in the video, was conducted by using different stylus than the one presented in the following example.